Help us save American Marine Art
The Center for American Marine Art is dedicated to bringing endangered historic American marine art to the forefront of our identity as a country through documenting and imaging works using the most advanced cultural heritage technology and techniques, creating a free database featuring high-resolution 3D images for use by museums, scholars and the public, and developing virtual and national traveling exhibitions.
The Center is working to send imaging and documentation teams to museums and private collectors to properly image marine works according to best practices defined in the FADGI Technical Guidelines for Digitizing Cultural Heritage Materials. The Center’s teams will use photogrammetry, Radiance Transfer Imaging (RTI) and Photometric Stereography (PS). RTI has been the gold standard in cultural heritage preservation for over ten years. PS and Photogrammetric recording methods will be used for planar works, 3D objects and historic frames. No matter how technology evolves in the future, the original high resolution image data will remain with the registered work.
Research & Education:
Working with partner museums and collectors, the Center will promote and fund research into the assembled works and create easily accessible educational resources in the form of high resolution color photographs, videos, scans, 3D models and virtual exhibitions in order to expand knowledge and appreciation of our visual marine history. It also underwrites public awareness programs such as the Artist-in-Residence series at the Mystic Seaport Museum.
Support for Museums
Many institutions lack the funding and infrastructure to properly image and document artworks. Your donation will go toward supporting not just the Center, but also museums.
One goal of our ambitious imaging program is to digitally “restore” damaged works. The digital restoration process is non-destructive and helps scholars and the public see works in a new light.
With an idea of what a restored collection might look like, we will be able to raise, or help institutions raise, money for physical restoration.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.